Andrea Total Skincare

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As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, Microcurrent is one of the best, non-invasive skin care treatments available. It’s great for both age management and adult acne. In regards to age management, the best way to take advantage of its benefits is to schedule a series of treatments. Depending upon your age, they would be scheduled once per week for 6-10 weeks, then once every two weeks for about 4 weeks then back to monthly maintenance. Discounts vary depending upon the number of treatments paid for in advance, but start at 10% – 20%.

Microcurrent is uses very low levels of electrical current. It triggers the body’s natural cellular repair mechanism. Used as an age management tool, it can diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by toning and rejuvenating the facial muscles. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The effects are immediate and cumulative. The uplifting therapy is preventative, as well as corrective. A single treatment session shows visible results, but for long lasting results and muscle re-education, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly maintenance sessions are recommended. Microcurrent’s healing properties is also a wonderful treatment for adult acne and to calm redness of Rosacea. Number of treatments in a series is individually determined based on several factors: aging of skin, skin conditions, etc. Ask Andrea for more information next time you come in for a facial.